As an educational institute you want to facilitate your target audience as much as possible. The target audience is increasingly online, because of the ease it brings. How do you smartly play into this as an educational institute?

Traditionally educational institutes bring participants together at 1 location. The participants complete assignments at home, but the contact hours are always physical. We do see that both educational institutes and participants have a wish to get more education digitally.

Of course, contact hours are valuable, but they also have disadvantages: travel time and relatively many manual administrative actions for the organization. On top of this, it requires a lot of balancing other work and private activities to be at the facility at the right time.

Digital alternatives

It is only logical that educational institutes are looking at digital alternatives. The learning management system of LPX helps you to get the most out of your online education. On the platform you can locate all your training programs, in the corporate identity of the institute. The platform offers possibilities to send automatic e-mails to participants, for example when there is a new module available.

One of the many advantages of LPX is that it gives a detailed look into the learning data: with one press of a button you can see which participant is where, which parts are challenging and how actively someone is participating. A certificate can be generated and sent automatically. The results can be linked to your administration. This means less hassle. In addition you will be insured of the highest safety standard: all data transmission will be via maximum secured channels.

LPX is full service, which means that we will really work like a partner: our employees will be available to answer all your questions. All your organization has to do is create the content of the training program: simply provide the videos, pdf documents and webinars, and LPX will do the rest.

Time is a scarce resource

Does your organization want to set up an online learning system and do you want to be fully supported? Then choose our full-service programme.